MetaHuman Hub
Consciousness Intelligence Speech Skills Communication Persuasion Development Purpose Self-realization Behavior
Events Timetable
Neurolinguistic programming, neuro-coaching certified courses, presentations, meet-ups, seminars
January, 4
(Step 1)
NLP Practitioner certified course
Elmar Malikov, course master
Wednesdays , 19:30
Weekly NLP practicing club meeting
Coaching club
Coaching master-classes, tools demonstration and practice
About MetaHumanHub
We develop, apply and teach the shortest way to acquire skills and knowledge.
NLP - Neurolinguistic programming is the best known applied science to investigate, structure and apply skills. Studying, reading, public speaking, negotiating, building relations and business...

We are living in the world of humans. Achievements in big extend depend on how efficient we communicate and exchange with other humans. The efficiency of communication is conditioned, limited or supported by our knowledge, skills and personality. This what SPDC is providing.
Feel free to contact us for your questions and requests. Please find the answers for the most frequent questions below.
NLP Practitioner course step by step
8 modules, 2 full days each, weekends

Time to meet your trainer and co-students. This always is a miracle, somehow only most curious, dedicated, magnetic people join our classes.

We share the aims for the course, the open, trustful community you are a part of, enables sharing visions, upgrading your expectations.

The first two days cover:

  • NLP communication model – how the state influences performance
  • The impact beliefs have on the result
  • Coaching ethics
  • Building rapport by noticing and applying clues from a person’s preferred internal representation systems

You will learn how the mind shapes and fixes and codes the reality and interprets meaning.

You will discover anew the five basic languages - modalities, people communicate with the reality. The languages are the senses.

The modalities have submodalities. For auditory these are loudness, timbre etc. We use submodalities for information coding. We encode and give meaning to events this way. Including our attitude to people, things, habits.

With the knowledge of submodalities power and peculiarities and proper techniques enables you change habits, beliefs, swap likes to dislikes and vice versa, opens other miraculous opportunities.


NLP practioner is able to read a lot even without hearing a word. Yet the language gives much more detailed information. Ordinary people also are accustomed to only consciously comprehend information communicated loudly. This makes so important your spoken communication skills. These two days you we cover:

  • Putting timely and proper questions is the best way to request and receive information from others.
  • Metaphors are one of the sharpest yet softest tools to persuade them. Their metaphors shapes their reality for you. form their thinking direction.
  • Milton model enables you to speak ambiguously so the other side gives it the sense they want or can.
  • Language abstract levels let you avoid direct opinion conflict.

To this moment you have collected enough skills and knowledge to be able to give positive effect to others' performance and self-comprehension, initiate positive changes and avoid negative influence, understanding the ecology of communication.

The below specific knowledge and skillset will enable you start practicing as a productive NLP Coach:

  • Delegating responsibility, so the coachee (your client) purely understands he is the owner of his self, thoughts, habits etc. and the one responsible for changes in them.
  • GROW model for keeping the proven productive shape of the session
  • You will learn how to create the State of High Performance
  • Coaching plans and coaching cycle, tasking and goal setting, utilizing SCORE model.

We continue mastering NLP instruments, thus widening your influence power:

  • Anchors and anchoring. We automatically stop on the red light and continue on the green. We do not think about the action (stop or move) and react automatically on the trigger (the lights color). Automation is unavoidable - our brain is unable to consider and make decisions every thing we come across during the day. This is physiological limitation. Some anchors are fine and helpful some give us limitations.
  • The nature of anchors, the mechanisms of their creation and collapse
  • The types of anchors - visual, auditory, space etc.
  • Timeline, correct and mutated ones, construction of them and finetuning
  • Dealing with negative emotions and beliefs.

By this model you are prepared for advanced NLP techniques:

  • Parts integration. Many of us live in a constant internal conflict: "I want to look more fit but I like eating a lot" or "i would love to spend more time with the family but need to work a lot" and many of the kind. These conflicts create perpetual stress, lack of confidence, waste of energy.
  • Perceptual positions. This technique is applied as it is and in some more compound techniques as well. The idea is observing the reality from different points - yours, as the first position, second as the person or institution you directly are in communication with, the society as the third point etc. Being in different positions gives you a more objective view to the reality thus giving you more prospective solutions
  • Phobias and allergy removing

Advanced speech techniques module.

  • Indirect suggestions. This super powerful technique is used in therapy. Unfortunately advertisers, sales people successfully abuse the tool, knowing the tremendous effect they make to the decision making process. In fact the counter party accepts the content of the suggestion as if it is his own thought, opinion, decision
  • Sleight of mouth. Our speech reflects our thinking patterns. You will understand your patterns and get the opportunity to upgrade enrich, finetune them. Your opponents, partners, clients, family - each of them has his own pattern. Offering them new sleight of mouth types you will be able to propose new thinking patterns to them, thus giving great opportunities for new solutions which suit all parties.

This is the final module.

  • We integrate the knowledge and technics you have acquired during the course
  • We discuss marketing your coaching services, customers suit best your personality, experience, skills, etc.
  • The course finishes with the exam and certification. We test your knowledge of the theory and practical skills

Values you acquire during the NLP Coach course:

Become aware of yourself:

  • Your true desires and goals
  • What leads you to failure or success
  • What motivates you
  • How to create an environment in which you are most effective
  • Remove non-resourceful actions and habits from your life - overeating, irritability, apathy... and add positive ones - sports, high-quality interaction with others

Understanding the actions, thoughts, motives of others - family, friends, loved ones, clients. Through understanding and the tools obtained on the course

  • Build high-quality interaction with others
  • Positively influence the results and achievements of loved ones and clients
  • A promising, valuable, respected, income-generating profession of a Coach

The course consists of a lecture part of 20-25% and practice the rest of the time. You will be involved in at least 30 training practices and sessions. During the course, you will have time to work through the main layer of your personal tasks. From the fifth level you will already be able to conduct sessions. By the end of the course, you will have a chance to already acquire a client base.

Send us your request, order or questions by filling out the form below
+994 51 347 16 98
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